由我校研究生院、党委研究生工作部主办,化工与能源学院承办的我校研究生“名师名家讲坛”,将邀请贝尔法斯特女王大学k. r. seddon教授为广大研究生作专题学术报告,欢迎广大研究生和师生们参加。
报告题目:industrial application of ionic liquids
时 间:2012年9月21日上午9:00
地 点:郑州大学新校区化工与能源学院四楼报告厅
k. r. seddon教授简介:
k. r. seddon教授是离子液体及绿色催化领域的创始人,其研究成果对于离子液体及绿色催化的推广及应用具有重要的贡献。他是第一个提出离子液体概念的科学家;拓展了绿色催化及合成的范围及领域;推进了离子液体的工业化应用,掀起了离子液体及绿色催化研究的热潮。迄今为止,共发表文章330余篇,论文总引用14,000次。
prof. seddon is the pioneer of ionic liquids and green catalysis. the principal aim of his work is to explore, develop and understand the role of ionic liquids as media for synthetic organic chemistry, such that current commercial processes using conventional molecular organic solvents may be replaced by clean processes using ionic liquid technology, and so that new processes may be developed. he has published more than 330 papers, with a citation more than 14000 times.